Organisational Structure
How we DOIT
PhD representatives at Campus Bahrenfeld
How we DOIT
We aim to include every doctoral researcher who wants to engage in doctoral researchers representation, participate in organizing social activities and doing other tasks that affect life on campus. Still we have implemented a minimal structure that we think helps to organize ourself. Each year at our general assembly we elect two speakers that represent DOIT to external entities like the PIER executive board and the DESY directory. The election process is described in our statutes (see below, there is the additional inofficial rule that at the general assembly there will be Pizza).
The speakers host the DOIT advisory board meeting each month in order to discuss ongoing projects, discuss the spending of funding and report on their activities. Because we think that "advisory board" sounds too formal we just call them DOIT meetings (usually with free lunch)! The DOIT meetings are open to everyone and are announced via email, the date is usually set via Doodle. So if you have any advice or want to know what is going on on campus, we invite you to join us. Become an Advisor yourself!
DOIT is recognized as the official DR representation by the Fachbereichsleitung Physik (Hamburg University) and the DESY directorate. We are thus the DR partner in the strategic partnership (PIER) between DESY and Hamburg University!